Thursday, July 26, 2012

Um estranho mensageiro

The Strange Messenger
"The bird who is a messenger brings news from faraway places...."

Acrylic on paper
I did this piece for a contest for the Latinoamérica Design Symposium 2012, University of Palermo,
Argentina, I wasn't selected but I am quite happy with the outcome,

Hope you guys like it!
Esta pieza fue realizada para el Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño 2012, de la Universidad de Palermo Argentina. No quedé seleccionada pero la ilustración me tiene muy satisfecha!

!Espero que les guste!


  1. I really like this! The design and application of paint is awesome!

  2. Thanx Kierst! the more we experiment the better the outcome! =D

