Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 "Traditional people, and I think the people of the Paleolithic had, very probably, two concepts that change our vision of the world. The concept of fluidity and the concept of permeability.

Fluidity means the categories that we have, man, woman, horse, tree, etc., can shift. A tree may speak. A man can get transformed into an animal and the other way around, given certain circumstances. 

The concept of permeability is that there are no barriers, so to speak, between the world where we are and the world of spirits. A shaman, for example, can send his or her spirit to the world of the supernatural or can receive the visit of supernatural spirits. When you put those two concepts together, you realize how different life must have been for those people from the way we live now"

"Humans have been described in so many ways and for a while it was Homo-Sapiens, and it is still called Homo-Sapiens "the man who knows". I don't think is a good definition at all. We don't know much. I would think Homo-Spiritualis"

- Jean Clottes, french prehistorian


Thanks for stopping by....

Saturday, May 11, 2013

La banda saluda al Desierto // The band salutes the Dessert

Finally, after being toasted under the sun for quite some time, the mural for 
Foro Cultural MUJAM is completed!

The title: The band salutes the Desert // La banda saluda al Desierto

The inspiration: Folk art, toys, animals, alebrijes, the naïve, mirage, old town bands, and the mighty Desert. // 
El folklore, los animales, los juguetes, los espejismos y alebrijes, las bandas de pueblo y el gran Desierto

Here is the process... it took me a while since the wall has so much texture and the sun was frying my brains like crazy....
Aquí el proceso que me tomó más de lo esperado ya que la pared estaba excesivamente porosa y cada que iba a pintar se me chamuscaba el cerebro bien gacho.... 

They are coming, the band of toys is coming, but don't let them fool you,
it all might be an illusion....

Vine ya, viene ya marchando la banda de juguetes,
saludando al Desierto

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Shadows and puppets...

"Collaboration is the source of inspiration for me" 
Philip Glass

Diana Cordero (( CORGAM )) invited me to be part of a music video she directed during the month of March.

With an amazing crew we developed: VIVIR, for(( Los Cenzontles )) Mexican Arts Center in San Pablo, CA.

Here is the final cut of the video

I did some character designs and then, master puppeteer 
 (( Dennis "The Red" Eustace )) turn them to life!  

(( Catherine Le Pape )) from BAMM.TV took beautiful photographs of the process:

Thanx for viewing & visit:
Dennis "The Red" Eustace
 Catherine Le Pape
Los Cenzontles