Saturday, May 11, 2013

La banda saluda al Desierto // The band salutes the Dessert

Finally, after being toasted under the sun for quite some time, the mural for 
Foro Cultural MUJAM is completed!

The title: The band salutes the Desert // La banda saluda al Desierto

The inspiration: Folk art, toys, animals, alebrijes, the naïve, mirage, old town bands, and the mighty Desert. // 
El folklore, los animales, los juguetes, los espejismos y alebrijes, las bandas de pueblo y el gran Desierto

Here is the process... it took me a while since the wall has so much texture and the sun was frying my brains like crazy....
Aquí el proceso que me tomó más de lo esperado ya que la pared estaba excesivamente porosa y cada que iba a pintar se me chamuscaba el cerebro bien gacho.... 

They are coming, the band of toys is coming, but don't let them fool you,
it all might be an illusion....

Vine ya, viene ya marchando la banda de juguetes,
saludando al Desierto


  1. This is freaking AWESOME! NOW DO A GIANT ONE!

    1. Omega!!!! hopefully soon!!!!! =) Painting big, as you know, is a great challenge!

  2. Paulina, I think it's so cool that you paint murals! Love it!

  3. This is all amazing! Really admire your mural work, must be such a challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you create next :)

  4. =) Yeeeesss, painting big is crazy! Specially if there is texture on the wall!!!! But i highly recommend it!

