Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sketch crawl Chilangolandia!

Cruzas el umbral y de repente te encuentras parado frente aquella obra monumental de piedra, mirándote fijamente....

You step inside the room and suddenly you find yourself standing in front of a monumental stone-work , staring directly at you... 

Este es un tributo a nuestros antepasados, unas líneas sobre el papel y toda nuestra admiración...

This is a tribute to our ancestors, some lines on the paper and all our admiration.... 

Pasando el tiempo con los ilustradores Ana Aranda y Santiago Solís...
Spending time with Ana Aranda and Santiago Solís...

Thanx for reading!


  1. Wow those patterns on the statues are so nice! Awesome studies! I get lost when I try patterns, lol. And did you really go up that pole?! Agh I'd probably faint because I'm afraid of heights XD Paulina you're so adventurous :3

  2. Thanks guys!!!!

    Jamie, nope, I didn't go on that pole, that's a traditional mexican dance-ceremony. The people who go up there are pros! =)

