Saturday, April 27, 2013

El Fondo Acuático del Universo // The Aquatic End of the Universe

 Muchos chocolates, mucha música y 5 días después.... he aquí el proceso del mural realizado para celebrar el 5to Aniversario del Museo del Juguete Antiguo México. La casa de estos alebrijes es el Club Atlántico ubicado en el centro histórico de la ciudad de México.

Lots of chocolates, lots of music and 5 days later.... here is the process for the mural done to celebrate the Antique Toy Museum of Mexico's 5th anniversary. The home of these creatures is Club Atlantico, located in downtown Mexico...

 Aproveché las texturas de la pared y el foco neón del lugar para hacer la cosa más interesante...

Took advantage of the textures of the wall and the neon light to make it more interesting... 

 RUR Robot, mascota del MUJAM

Las bestias del Océano Atlántico protegen el fondo acuático del Universo... 
Aquí comenzó la vida...

The Beasts form the Atlantic Ocean protect the aquatic end of the Universe...
Here, life began...
Thanx for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Voice of the Great Nation: U T'aan Noj Kaaj

31 Lucky Street (@ 24th Mission st)
The Mission, SF

This mural is dedicated to the nations in resistance, in struggle, willing to defend their lands, traditions, ceremonies and people.

Here are represented some specific nations: Tribes that live in the shores of OMO river, in Africa; jornaleros, sons of the corn who work the land, listen to it and take care of it; women who fight for equality and freedom.


A wise old women who represents the past; two little kids dressed up as animals, they represent the future; the zapatistas and Yonomami.

The mayan word: U T'aan Noj Kaaj means The Voice of the great Nation, la Voz del Gran Pueblo.
Special thanks to my friends Jose, Evelyn, Gato and Liova who helped me in the process.

This was completed my last week in San Francisco in March 2013.

Detail photographs by Andy Mogg

Thank you for reading and dont forget to stop by the Alley if you are in the Mission!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

MUJAM: Intervention / Intervención

El Museo del Juguete Antiguo México celebra su 5o aniversario con actividades durante el mes de Abril.

En estas fechas voy a colaborar con MUJAM como artista invitada interviniendo sus redes sociales. No se olviden de visitar su Facebook y Twitter.

Del 26 al 30 estaré en el Foro MUJAM haciendo un mural, si están cerca de Dr.Olvera #15 Col. Doctores, pásenle a celebrar con nosotros!

Here it comes, the band of toys!

The Antique Toy Museum in México will be celebrating its 5th anniversary with various activities from April 26th til April 30th.

During these time I will be collaborating with the Museum as a guest artists making an intervention in their social media: Facebook, Twitter and making a mural in their forum!

Should be fun and soon will be posting photographs of the process!!!!

Enjoy and thanx for the visit!
missing my family from another country